

raising the volume on AI

Global leader IBM has developed a suite of powerful artificial intelligence technologies to help businesses solve urgent real world problems stemming from climate change. These are tools like a Supply Chain Intelligence and Renewables Forecasting. So when IBM was ready to share what they’ve been working on, they enlisted work x work to get the word out.


We collaborated directly with the General Manager of AI Applications at IBM, Kareem Yusuf, to craft 60-second audio stories which were placed on hit podcasts. With just a one minute to share nuanced and complex projects with a broad audience, we decided to take a personal approach, interviewing Kareem about the importance of the projects in his own life, and identifying key philosophical questions at the heart of the work such as, ‘how do you define intelligence?’


We then amplified the resulting campaign on top tier WNYC Studios’ podcasts Radiolab and Science Friday with custom introductions recorded by hosts Jad Abumrad and Ira Flatow.

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